A decade of memories....

Feb 03, 2010 10:29

In the spring of '98 I got my drivers license. It would also lead to me acquiring my very first set of keys, which would then require a keychain. Therefore, one afternoon while at a local shop (the MadHatter, I do believe), I purchased my very first keychain: a pot leaf.

This morning as I took my keys out of my pocket to open my office I discovered that my pot leaf keychain had broken. Taken before his time, I was devastated (well as devastated as you can be for an inanimate object whose only purpose in life is to hold keys).

Point is I had this thing ever since I really started to drive so it in a sense was a symbol of my growth from a boy into a man. And now it is gone. The only condolences I have is that the thing served me well over the last 12 years.

I suppose I could get it repaired, but then it would feel like I'm keeping it on life support or something. Should I just let it die with dignity?

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