Condoms in High Schools

Oct 12, 2009 11:11

Recently some PEI schools have discussed installing Condom machines in the washrooms to help combat teen pregnancy and STDs. Long story short, some guy wrote a letter to the editor showing disapproval for the idea. Read story here.

Some kid from the Rural replied to his letter in what I think is great satire:

I agree 100 per cent with the opinion expressed in 'Why not promote chastity?', (The Guardian, Oct. 5, 2009).

It really is a shame and a scandal to see responsible adults promoting safe sexual practice among teenagers. Seeing free condoms in Island high schools would practically be asking for a lower teen pregnancy rate. If we could even save one young woman from getting pregnant, in my mind it would just be terrible.

Obviously these children will just back off the entire idea without free condoms, I say they should be left completely out of the picture.

As Mr. Chandler stated, these things do have a failure rate and regardless of the much higher present success rate, we cannot let them near our teenagers.

Also on that note, sexually-transmitted infections really are pleasant and generally healthy; having condoms available to teenagers would only decrease their occurrence. Honestly, simply the concept of promoting safe, protected sex makes me worried and somewhat sick.

As far as I'm concerned, the sooner we have all access to condoms barred for young people, the sooner they will return to doing their homework and holding hands when they're finished.

And perhaps after this we can convince them to turn down their rock and roll music.

Alan Mackie,

student, Charlottetown Rural High School

That last line is a stroke of genius.

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