the soul's longing

Apr 28, 2013 00:22

We begin with faith and sincerity. And fall into idolatry and facades
We start with hope and possibilities, but fall into fear and insecurity.
We set out with love and peace. But fall into unresolved conflict and war.
... ...
The infinite chained to worries and stresses.
Stillness disrupted by imbalance - idleness and business.

Look into one's eyes and perceive the depths of their soul - or perhaps the murky clouds of blight and confusion.
And see and know also the reflection of your own stretching to the ends of space and time - or perhaps to the past you regret, present you oppress, and the future you plan known to the breeze of not yet.

Longing - the undefined distance divided by zero.
Longing - the disappearing now divided by infinite.

River flow. Fire burn. Wind dance. Earth rise. Soul sing.
The human becoming - the seeker - of the horizon.
The meeting place of the internal and external
stillness and balance
opportunity and possibility
origin and eternity.
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