parker j palmer - let your life speak

Feb 16, 2013 01:16

pastor eumin got me this book on 5/28/2011 as a gift for my graduation from nycom.

i was inspired during a prayer / spiritual session that i should read books that i have shelved never to read, and i made this the first one.

i'm sure he must have picked it out in connection with my becoming a doctor, to encourage my vocation.

parker j. palmer speaks a lot about discovery. to discover the self. the world we live in is focused on the outers, the daily grind, and such.

i have always been about self discovery... but forgot that i was. this book re-oriented me, reminded me that i must remember myself. having this value in heart only puts everything else in perspective.

what is my calling, my vocation?
it used to be nebulous, but it has certainly been becoming more clear, especially since the days of VCF small group.

i'll go through a brief outline, but this deserves a full review sooner than later.

1) i love to read, to learn, and to self-discover. my mind, my body, my soul, my spirit, my health, my life, my calling, etc.
2) i want to enable others to discover themselves, their gifts, and their roles, and their vocation.
3) i love music and i desire to express myself through it.
4) there are things i want to communicate, and share it, and enjoy things with others of the same heart.
5) i believe i have this gift of INFJ-ing. i intuit my inner life, feel externally... and in the end rationalize and try to produce a system, a way that works, to improve things. to obtain an endless sea of information, to analyze it, and make it better.

this book put my head back where it needs to be.
aligning the paths.
the truths in this book are ones i will have to... i need to revisit over and over again...

"anything one can do on behalf of true self is done ultimately in the service of others." sold!
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