Oct 29, 2006 23:58
First of all, this weekend was weird because our last marching show was cancelled two days in advance. So that was sad that we didn't get to have a last show. So oddly enough, it ended up being a band-free weekend.
Friday afternoon was Friday adventure with Maureen. We went to Virgin Megastore, Lenscrafters, the Pru (Panda Express!), Copley (where I bought an awesome pair of pants from Express), H & M, and Wendy's (cuz we got hungry again).
Friday night was Pimps and Ho's. Which ended up being a lot of drunk freshmen who we didn't know. Including that stupid bitch who's a model. Yeah, if you were there, you know who I'm talking about. Apparently people didn't read the part of the email that said not to invite extra people. The random freshmen got to be a little much, so Katie, Maureen, and I escaped to MikeN's. We drank a bottle of wine and ate nachos (which Miken had waiting for us when we arrived.) After Katie and I made several calls asking if the party was good, we went back. It was better this time, but I don't think we stayed for long. The afterparty was at Maureen's where we drank some arbor mist and talked about stupid things. CJ kept calling me to ask if she could use my bathroom, haha.
Saturday I got up at 12. Oops. Meghan, Sarah, CJ, and I made biscuits in my oven, and then went upstairs and ordered delivery from Bertucci's. Which was awesome. Later, Katie and I went to Finale with Maureen's family. At 11:30, Katie and I decided to go grocery shopping, instead of going out to a Halloween party. You'd be surprised how many people grocery shop late on Saturday night.
Today I slept in thanks to Daylight Savings Time. I went to Mugar and did work, went to several meetings, and then did more work in Mugar. I wanted to stay until 12, but I got hungry at 10:30 so I came home.
So that was my weekend. I guess it wasn't that weird. Apparently food was a common theme.
So now its back to the grind. This semester is kicking my ass. I'm constantly stressed about school work and stuff. I'm sick of writing papers.
But, I love my friends, so that makes up for it.