David Cameron is a Murderer

Sep 09, 2015 20:21

David Cameron is a murderer.

The death penalty was outlawed in Britain in 1967.

David Cameron proudly announced in the British parliament in Westminster this week that he had ordered the extra-judicial killing of two British citizens in Syria.

David Cameron has no jurisdiction over the territory of Syria. The British parliament in Westminster explicitly denied David Cameron authorisation to use military force in the sovereign state of Syria.

David Cameron is a murderer.

David Cameron believes in the principle of 'preemptive self-defence'. As David Cameron has just awarded himself the power to assassinate any British citizen on the basis of secret evidence known only to Cameron and his cohorts, he is somewhat hoist by his own petard. David Cameron is a clear and present threat to all living Britons. Do they also have the right to 'preemptive self-defence'?

David Cameron is a murderer.

His strike in Syria killed, as I understand it, both a Briton of Scottish nationality, and one from the jurisdiction of England and Wales. In both English and Welsh law, and Scottish law, the death penalty has been outlawed.

David Cameron is a murderer.

He has stated that his regime will interfere with your life even if you obey the law. Along with his Home Secretary, the odious Theresa May, he has stated that they will crack down on 'extremists'. By overturning 1,000 years of English law and declaring guilt without charge before summary execution as official policy he is enacting extreme changes to the English legal system. David Cameron is an extremist.

As well as being a murderer.

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has a curiously English-language acronym, no? Oh why does western propaganda have to smear ancient Egyptian deities? I've also heard them called 'Daesh'. Their videos have been simultaneously suspiciously well produced and amateurish. Nonetheless, dangle the banana and the monkey jumps.

For fundamentalist Muslims, they seemingly have no interest in attacking Israeli interests. Only Iraq and Syria. As previously targeted by Israel and the USA.

I digress.

David Cameron is a murderer.

He has no legal justification for what he has done and should be arrested without delay.
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