Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Pairing: Edge/Rydia
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Notes: Wahaha, I can write Edge/Rydia now. I had a couple of attempts (you could check my writing journal for those, a couple of drabbles at
edenbound) but this is my final attempt and I call the win over this pairing. xD; Also written for
She cried.
Edge didn't like it when girls cried, it confused him. Made him feel protective urges that really weren't anything to do with his ideas about courting and romance and marriage, but were more about being a good person inside and protecting people who needed it.
So he says it's because Rydia is a pretty girl that he lets her and her friends join him, but really he wants to find out why she's crying, and stop her crying any more. He thinks his parents might be pleased with him for that, and he thinks that Gramps might be a little proud too, and the rebellious part of him says he doesn't want to please Gramps anyway.
Cecil might be the really really good one of the five, but Edge finds himself doing little things for Rydia all the time. Taking her hand to help her step over something. Rushing forward to stop a monster attacking her. Shielding her while she summons.
It isn't such a burden, considering that she's pretty and she smiles fit to make his heart stop, but still.
She's confusing.