Feb 12, 2009 21:24
- 22:42 Je voudrais une pizza, si'l te-plait. #
- 22:47 I'm in college... can't I get a pizza up in this bitch? #
- 23:29 @ guardiemaddie want cake :( #
- 00:22 KKY and SAI national conventions aren't at the same time like I thought. Doesn't mean I can afford to go to both though. :\ #
- 12:33 @ cpipes39 I'm in ur twitter, followin ur updates. ;) Hi! #
- 12:46 Don't Click: tinyurl.com/amgzs6 #
- 14:07 Work was a total shit-show. Ugh. #
- 15:49 Headache. Class in an hour. Room still isn't cleaned, and I can't find one of my HIMYM season 2 discs. FML #
- 15:59 To all those who thing Twitter is stupid: #
- 15:59 Whoops. twestival.com/ #
- 16:05 @ stephenfry Are you going to LA twestival? twestival.com/ #
- 16:46 Don't wanna go to class or rehearsal or rirtual rehearsal or meeting. just wanna go to sleep because I won't get any this weekend #
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