Dec 21, 2012 20:06
So, I did what any good Brony would do when I first saw them at Dollar tree, I've started collecting the MLP Trading cards. It's a pretty cool set, if a bit small, I'm hoping they expand into a series 2 with season 3, they covered a lot of bases, but could go further with a lot of things. These cards are defiantly Bronie friendly / inspired I mean come on there is a DJ Pon-e and Octavia Dr Whoves though. Anyway, so far I've picked up 4 packs at Dollar Tree which are smaller packs, no Standee's or Holo's in that one, a collectors tin of 6 packs, and a full box of 30 packs. On the way from the Enterplay website, I just ordered the Binder, another tin (same price as wal mart, no tax, did not increase my shipping, only 99 cents more then just getting 6 packs and I wanted a second tin, poster, and twilight promo, a 3 pack of packs, and a trial of my new pasion, littlest pet shop, i got 3 packs of series one and 3 packs of series 2. So While I got some really awesome cards, and not as many duplicates as I could have, of course, I have duplicates and am missing cards. Lots of people on ebay have auctions where you can get almost any single card you want for pretty cheap, normally like a buck, but I figured I'd see if anyone wanted to trade first.
What I need: (Stared cards I really really want and will either pay for or give extra cards to trade)
Common: (1:1 trade common cards)
13: Princess Cadence
*31: Nightmare Moon
*32: Discord
*46: Vanquishng the Ursa Minor
50: Worst Companion Ever!
56: Best Wedding EVER
70: Elements of a Good Cheer
*72: I Really AM a Doormat
S9: Apple Bloom Standee (x2)
Holo: (1:1 trade holo cards, or up to 5 common for 1 holo)
F01 - Elements set Applejack
F03 - Elements set Pinkie Pie
F06 - Elements set Twlight Sparkle
F07 - Royal Wedding Applejack
F08 - Royal Wedding Twlight Sparkle
F11 - Royal Wedding Rarity
*F13 - Princess Celestia
*F17 - Pinkie Pie
F22 - Scootaloo
F23 - Sweetie Bell
F24 - Apple Bloom
F27 - Granny Smith
*F28 - Cheerilee
Gold Cards: (Will purchase make offer)
G1 - Princess Ceelstia
G2 - Princess Luna
G4 - Twilight Sparkle
G5 - Princess Cadenza (box toper)
G6 - Discord (box topper)
G8 - Queen Chrystalis (box topper)
Special promo Foils: (will purchase make offer)
F35 - Applejack (Canterlot Gardens Promo)
F36 - Pinkie Pie (pinkie pie collectors box promo)
F37 - Rainbow Dash (SDCC 2012 Promo)
F38 - Fluttershy (Everfree NW 2012 Promo)
F40 - Rarity (BronyCon 2012 Promo)
F41 - I Just don't know what went wrong / Derpy (NYCC Promo)
F42 Octavia & DJ Pon-3 Unreleased, collectors box?
F43 Untitled (derpy) Unreleased, Gift tin?
What I have to trade (1 if no quantity specified):
F12 - Royal Wedding Fluttershy
F21 - Fluttershy
01 - Twilight Sparkle
02 - Rarity
04 - Apple Jack
05 - Pinkie Pie (2x)
08 - Princess Celestia
10 - Apple Bloom
12 - Sweetie Bell (2x)
15 - Granny Smith
16 - Cheerilee
17 - Big Macintosh (2x)
19 - Snips & Snails
20 - The Cakes
21 - Braeburn
22 - The Wonderbolts
23 - Silver Spoon & Diamond Tiara
24 - Hoity Toity & Photo Finish (2x)
27 - DJ Pon-3 & Octavia (2x)
30 - Prince Blueblood (2x)
34 - Sea Serpent
35 - Gilda
37 - Owlowishcious (3x)
40 - Angel
41 - Gummy
42 - Tank
44 - Peewee
45 - Sonic Rain Boom
47 - Party of One
49 - Chaos is a wonderful thing (2x)
53 - Another day, Another Dungeon
57 - Slumber Party 101
59 - Meet the Apple Family
63 - Crazy Cutie Pox
64 - I hate being a Model
65 - The Green-eyed Monster
67 - A Very Special Somepony
68 - Flight of Rarity
69 - Into the Dragons Lair
71 - Iron Pony Competition
Locations (I already checked the codes):
73 - Evefree Forest (3x)
74 - Sugarcube Corners (2x)
75 - Cloudsdale (3x)
76 - Crusaders Clubhouse (2x)
77 - Ponyville Schoolhouse
78 - Golden Oaks Library (2x)
79 - Sweet Apple Acres
80 - Carousel Boutique (2x)
81 - Day Spa (2x)
82 - Canterlot (3x)
83 - Appleloosa (2x)
84 - Fluttershy's Cottage
S2 - Rainbow Dash
S6 - Fluttershy
S8 - Scootaloo
S9 - Sweetie Bell