Title: Dark Pleasures
Author: Andy-chan (
Pairings: Matsumiya, Sakuraiba
Genre: AU, BDSM, Smut, Romance (in a way xP)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Jun is used to be the one to choose his partner... that until his road comes across with Nino, a submissive who with no shame declares to him that he has decided Jun will be his new master. Jun is a man who likes challenges, as his friend, Masaki, reminds to him. Deep inside, he knows what he wants... but he also feels hesitant, probably because he wants it this much. Is Nino worth the try? Will he be able to tame him the way he desires?
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the boys, unfortunately.
matsuaurore 's birthday!! <3
My new fic minna!! (a bit different xP)
If interested you can read it