May 31, 2004 21:05
today had to have been one of the most boringest days ever when i got up i tryed to call cari she didnt anser she called me back later but then i realize that pretty much every one she knows hates me really really bad as much as i wanted to call her today i felt like i couldnt because she would be talking on her moms cell and its monday and her mom hates me i doubt she wants cari to even talk to me espechally on her phone on a monday so i didnt call i should have but i didnt well at least every one who hates me is happy wich is pretty much every one so im kinda fucked right there but thats ok not really. wel mike came over for a few today we might sell the guitar soon i hope but who knows he might wanna keep it i dont blame him its a nice guitar besides for that damn chanal switching problem but thats ok it can be fixed. but any ways i dont really know what else to say uhh mamorial day is gay eveyr mamorial day sucks last year my grandma died this year is just really boring and every one hates me so yeah mamorial day should rot in shit and stuff tomorrow i have to go back to school after this gay weekend im almost looking forward to it that how gay this weekend was damn well im done