Jun 22, 2005 15:22
its funny, but the dead of winter in chile is a lot like springtime in michigan. its good cause i wont be all fucked up season-wise when i get home - right now its the end of classes in chile and it feels about the same weather-wise as the end of classes has always felt. sometimes chilly and grey and rainy, but in the solid 50s most of the time and from time to time theres a day like today - beautiful, sunny, warm, not a cloud in the sky. i feel...good today, better than i have in the last few days - ive been thinking a lot about who i am and what i want with my life and came up with a whole lot of nothing. plus, im fighting to keep my head above water with my finals - im not used to being so in danger of really failing. for one of my finals tomorrow for example, i will be given a list of words in middle latin/early spanish (the point where latin was not quite latin any longer but still not yet spanish) and:
1) decide what word it derrived from in vulgar latin
2) account for all the steps it took to get to modern spanish
3) phonetically transcribe each of the steps
4) specify which linguistic phenomena were taking place to cause the changes
...yeah. ps: i dont speak latin. shit, i can barely speak spanish half the time. im not seeing this go very well.
but i dont want to think about school. one more week, then its travel time. looks like brazil wont be working out (too much money, plus confusion in the group) but buenos aires, the atacama desert, iguasu (the waterfall, 7 wonders of the world thingy) and possibly uruguay are in the plans, so good times shall be had by all. also, my darling german and i are planing an excursion up north this weekend, because studying is for nerds. hes really such a lovely boy, ill miss him lots when chile ends...
anyway, hope today is as pretty and full of promise in michigan as it is here - too bad ill probably spend most of it memorizing latin verb conjugations.