I am so tired right now. All day, I've either been in class or doing homework, with the exception of one hour I took a break and talked to Kels and Nat. Or I was eating. Anways, the point is I feel like I haven't stopped in 2 days, and its killing me. I did finish my history paper, but for all I know its a peice of shit, and I'm still way behind in reading for that class, and in critical thinking. Plus, tomorrow is wednesday, my busiest day of the week. 4 classes :( I should be doing my critThink right now, but I can't concentrate and my eyes hurt. WTF, its only 12:45. I can stay up way later than this. Then again, it might have to do with the fact that I've been up till 2 the past 2 nights, and crazy busy during the day. Its catching up, and I don't want it too. This is very rambly. that's not even a damn word.
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