
Apr 15, 2010 12:22

I am always looking for a more functional purse. My purses always end up:

• too floppy, not enough internal structure (I want them to sit upright)
• don’t have the right amount of pockets or a configuration that I like
• don’t have handles of the size and position how I like
• wear out too quickly
• made out of hideous materials or absolutely drab colors.

So I have often considered making my own purse, but have not been able to resolve these technical problems:

• I don’t sew much, and sewing purse pockets is complicated work.
• I need strong internal support, but strong stuff often gets heavy.
• I want to make it long-lasting, but leather is expensive and tough to sew
• Dyed leather is even more expensive, and the dye might come off on my clothes
• Did I mention I don’t own a sewing machine?
• I want to embellish it with beads and sculpted stuff… um, because I can!

I was pondering this again last night while absently looking at a vase that reminds me of the shape of a gourd. And then my brain said….

• Gourds are lightweight
• Gourds are strong
• Gourds can be cut and carved and painted any way you please
• Gourds can be drilled into to attach hinges and clasps and handles
• ‘Canteen’ gourds are flat enough that they carry well on a strap.
• I could glue the fabric to the interior.
• Little or no sewing required, and even if my sewing is ugly, it would all be hidden on the inside!
• I already have Drimmel tools and other tools needed to work on a gourd.
• I could even cut a second opening in the back of the gourd to make a money/paperwork pocket.
• I could make it sit upright by adding feet, or cutting and inverting part of the bottom.
• I have, or know where to get all the supplies needed to make this project.
• O
• M
• G

And… If other people want to buy the supplies, I will make them totally awesome gourd purses too, because I already have at least fifteen different plans in my head. And then I googled 'gourd purse', and saw that several other artists had also realized these wonderful gourd facts, even though most of the purses out there were not crafted with much skill or creativity. But the good artists inspired me even more. Oh, Oh, I must make one!!! Now!!!!

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