Jun 17, 2009 19:11
I went to see my sleep apnea doctor again today. He's an awesome guy. It looks like we finally got the right mask and the overnight oximeter test shows my blood-oxygen levels have stabilized into the normal range. So my brain is a happy brain and I won't need to see him more than once a year or so. But. Things can never be easy, there is always a 'but'. But for the pain. The pain in my joints and the all-day stiffness that seemed to start when I started using the CPAP machine in January. We thought it was probably my body getting used to sleeping differently. But. It's not getting better with time. If anything, it's getting worse. I've even done four weeks of physical therapy which helped a little but not a lot.
So now the question is. What is really wrong? That's a scary question. I expected this to just get better and go away. I don't need another illness.... certainly not another mystery illness. The doctor mentioned lupus. And then I recall the conversations with a friend about another autoimmune disorder and how she thinks I fit the profile. I think about how my aunt Mary has tried to convince me over the years that I must have fybromialsia like her, my mom, and their other sisters. I think it's time to bring this up with my doctor again. I don't want to. I've seen the lifestyle changes and lengthy treatments plans that friends and family have had to use to get even a little relief from these diseases. I don't want to find out I have one. Even worse, I don't want to go into the doctor's office and just have them find absolutely nothing again. No explanation for the pain that is now with me 24/7 at varying levels. I want to find out that I just need a better mattress or something.