(no subject)

Nov 24, 2005 16:08

my brother posted this, i don't know if i've ever posted it

we are hanging out at scapels place, paul and cathy's. just made an awesome sandwich and drinking some wine. i've been reading this book called the "industrial handbook". i'm definitely understanding it a lot better, and feel a lot better about not completely associating myself that stuff. i'm not so into shock things. you can't really shock people in that way anymore i think, at least in a being original sense. i'm totally glad people have done it and got it out of the way though, so people aren't always wondering. there are these pictures of hybrid robot mulated animal things, so gross. all the stuff they did to each other is just funny. the trying to swallow giant nails seems scary, but then they just puked and licked that up, kind of funny. throbbing gristle and cabaret voltaire parts are nice, some of my favorite stuff to listen to right now.

since this tour, i'm not really vegan anymore. it got tough to eat in florida areas for sure. eating some chemical eggs and potatos seemed a lot better for me to eat then bleached chemcial toast and "jelly" (sugar and perservatives) and chemical potatos. my main reason i think, is that, i just want to eat healthier and not eat chemicals anymore. i've been learing that the earth is set up purposely to take care of itself, including us. animals eat certain foods and break them down in a cetain way humans can't. eating something like eggs, certain meats, fish, and other things is our way of eating grass, grains, and other things that we can't digest properly on our own. there are a couple different ways of getting what we need, according to the areas we are born, which is what macrobiotics promotes. we cherish our multi cultural experiences though, even if we are not supposed to. chickens are supposedly the only animals that fully break down grain with thier gizards (neck area, pre stomach), cows don't(which is why cows need to graze for grass! not stuck in some cell eating shitty grain), i'm not sure about how humans process grain. i was thinking though, eating non animal food sprayed with chemicals (non-organic) is totally soooooooo ENVIROMENTALLY IRRESPONSIBLE. it gets into the soil, if it rains it washes into the rivers, effecting many wild plant life AND ANIMALS. so, technically to me, eating chemical vegetables is like killing animals. another thing that bugs me, is that i don't just want to let the industry, the self interested machine, just provide me these chemical foods. eating some bag of chips at the gas station that is vegan is seriously exploiting myself so much i think. it's so horrible for me to eat and just because it's vegan doesn't mean shit. eating an organic free range egg or organic cheese product doesn't compare to some super crappy processed bleached starch food. i definitely thinK its awesome and i still am concerned about animals, but i'm also concerned about myself! the more i learn about the processes and history of food, it makes sense that i would think it's alright to eat animal products. i couldn't get myself to eat meat, even though all these healthy people advocate that the fat cells in animals have all kinds of foods (we can't process well) processed perfectly for us to digest. FOOD IS MEDICINE. if we ate things freshly picked (because even if it's organic, it's picked prematurely and shipping into your grocery store, including something like whole foods) we wouldn't have much health problems at all! pharmacutical (sp?) companies count on us being unhealthy to make money off us to buy "medicine". fruits have many ways of protecting themselves against bugs and other things that they provide themselves, that are very benificial for humans also UNLESS we spray chemicals on them, then they don't make these very helpful properties. so, we are just eating them for taste practically at that point. oh yeah, all things bottled are boiled (pasturized), so don't think any kind of bottle juice actually does much for you, even if they do advertise it. this is what "convience" gets us. so, instead of being as much about advocating simply animal rights, i am way more interested in advocating us not being controlled by the industries (which would help animals in the process). the problem with health food getting more popular now, is that money is involved. you can't assume something is organic when it says it is. at least "certified orgainic" means less and less as time goes by. the FDA, USDA, or whoever is regulating what is and what isn't organic or what you are allowed to advertise, and of courseee big companies lobby with these government organizations to allow more chemicals and more additives under the certified term "organic", so they can make money easier. the solution to this...

know your local farmers.
we should go in this direction anyway.
when i get back i'm all about whatever detroit urban agriculture i can get my hands on. i heard lea that lives with sam and kerry works on this garden in detroit. i'm totally into that!

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