(no subject)

Oct 07, 2005 16:06

--------------------haha, really funny!! first.....

Original Message:
From: Jon Berry jon@regenerateindustries.com
Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2005 13:44:19 -0400
To: maria@tigerbeat6.com
Subject: Genders - gay or not gay?

Hey Maria -

Are Genders gay? Kurt's thinking of doing a story on them for The
Advocate - one of the biggest (if not the) gay publication...as he said
- no poseurs :)

/ Jon

-------------this is what we were thinking of sending them----------------

"hey miguel. we are open to doing press related
> things. To answer thier question, you can send them
> this....
> This is to answer the question of genders
> band/project
> gayness: The thought of people thinking our cover
> will
> be implying we are gay was an after thought. We went
> into a photo shoot with our friend that he had a
> concept of what he wanted to do and we just did it,
> because it was fun and thats what he brought us
> there
> to do. We weren't awkward doing it, although we
> weren't conciously attracted to each other. Does
> that
> mean we were straight because we weren't sexually
> stimulated or does that mean we were gay because we
> weren't awkward being that close to each other? We
> used it for our cover because it turned out to be a
> great photo. We were very impressed with it. Now, am
> i
> gay? I don't really see how this could be an easily
> answered question. Why do you think it is an easy
> question to answer? Is the rating system, 100%
> attracted to men = gay, 100% attracted to women =
> straight, and 1% to 99% bi-sexual? I can say that I
> mostly find myself being attracted to women, but I
> have different occasional times where I am thinking
> about a male in a sexual way. Would that mean I am
> bi-sexual then? Is there a limit to how percentage
> of
> time I must be thinking about males to qualify for
> the
> bi-sexual category? Or, am I gay for that day and
> straight for the rest? Quite frankly, I could care
> less. I go about my life thinking whatever I think
> when I think it. That's all I can do, I don't really
> need to sit here and figure out how to classify
> myself
> in your concentration of society. Something I do
> have
> to deal with, lots of hassles. Myself and certain
> friends I have like to dress up not being concious
> of
> gender roles. If I feel like wearing jeans that day
> or
> a dress, I will do so. For some reason, I am
> hassled
> and yelled at and even sometimes threatened for
> "being
> gay", because what I choose to wear. "I'm going to
> beat it out of you" this man was screaming at me
> from
> his car. Then the flip side is not finding my
> category
> to put myself in, so other people are still quick to
> judge. I'm attracted to people and personalities. "

-----------------what do you my friends think???--------------

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