merlin rec

Dec 10, 2009 23:40

Days of old and days to be [anonymous], Merlin/Arthur, minor Gwen/Lancelot, R, 18135 words.

Regency AU in which Arthur is the darling of the ton, Merlin is still a terrible valet, Mordred is a radical rabble-rouser, and Gwen's in love with a Light Dragoon. I read this on a whim when I saw it surfing delicious; maybe I should act on whims more often, if they get me gloriously, gorgeously written merlin fic with spot-on, note-perfect characterisation. I can't be at all articulate about this story, because I'm still in post-fic stage #2, incoherent glee, and I don't see myself leaving it any time soon. this is just SO happy-making (oh my god Morgana!!!!) LOVE.


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