(no subject)

Jul 29, 2009 16:22

two quick omg amazing! things before I dash to work:

rawles's post about Uhura, race, and feminism for International Blog Against Racism Week. Nyota Uhura is a black girl and there is no angle from which her actually being allowed to have consensual sexuality, being desired, and being loved (in addition to having her job and intellect, no less) is a fundamental downgrade from what she had before.

the first part of leupagus's epic-to-be Star Trek AU, Only Good for Legends. Detective Spock, of the IntraPlanetary Disputes Division in San Francisco, is transferred to the Midwest Police Department and meets a young troublemaker.

if you are fundamentally opposed to WiPs, all I can say is: this already has 18+k words posted and is totally, completely worth reading even if no more is ever added (though the author solemnly swears it will be finished). It has really lovely, well-developed characters, plus humor and details galore. The premise is that Spock was born on Vulcan, but moved to Earth when he was twelve, following his father's death. (Spock's mom taught him to use contractions, but he doesn't unless he's really thinking about it!) Then, because he pisses off some higher-ups, Detective Spock gets booted from San Francisco to Iowa as punishment, where he meets the infamous Kirk. (Kirk only breaks laws he thinks are unreasonable or unnecessary, and is too smart to get convicted!) Spock has Kirk's number all the way down the line (except for how he doesn't notice that Kirk blatantly pines for him!) ahhhhh! I can't even-- <3333

meta, recs, race

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