a week post-surgery TMI at the bottom

Apr 12, 2011 14:38

Yesterday was a day of sleep. Today isn't the most wakeful of days. I woke up at 9ish, then went back to sleep till like 12:30 after going to bed before midnight. Didn't get motivated enough to go downstairs for coffee. But, I think my pot just finished. Mmm.. Need more milk.

For recovery. No real pain. I figure my sleepiness is mild opiate withdrawal. I seem to get more volume using the incentive spirometer. My one little scar area doesn't seem right, yet. It has been a week, so I will take off the steristrip and wash it and keep it clean and dry. I'll wait for Aaron to come home so he can spray it with bactine, etc.

I'm hungrier today than yesterday. Yesterday, I barely ate. I went to the kitchn this morning and was famished! I had a few fig newtons and some nilla wafers and a bowl of cereal. Then for "lunch" I had the leftover leftover indian food (I had some leftovers last night). So, three meals out of one delivery meal. Not bad. Can't wait to get into my thai food leftovers.. On the other end of the food situation.. TMI..

I went a little #2 the day I left the hospital.. None since then till today. Today, my #2 was brown, looked kinda coated in slimy stuff. I'm assuming it is the undigested fats. Kinda interesting looking. I don't feel GI distress. That was the first time I went in a few days, so no guarantees it will stay that way. Just figured it was worth noting. No gall-bladder = no excess bile release, so eating fatty meals (curries!) may lead to undigested fat. Some people get "dumping syndrome", which basically causes GI distress after fatty meals. I'm hoping to not have that.

gi, surgery, tmi

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