My First LJ Entry. Aren't my parents proud?

Jul 17, 2005 21:46

Alright, so, I started my Livejournal after years of pestering comments and links sent my way. Women are very persuasive. I'm an avid writer, so I'll most likely be updating a lot. Well, if you don't already know me, read the info first.

So,..uhh...Good Morning America?

So far, my day has been wishy-washy. I woke up, did the usual routine. Y'know, shower, brush the teeth, get dressed. That kind of everyday-drivel. I turned my computer on, and lo and behold, my Bleach download had 4 days left on it. You can never find seeders when you need them, I swear. Aside from that minor let-down, I just hopped online and started chatting. A good bit of time later, things started to pick up, and then I had to go with my family to the local lake. Yippee.

So, I get in the car, grab my CD-player and hit the road. I'm jamming to my Atreyu CD on the way there, flipping through to my favorite songs. We get to the lake, and it's packed to the brim with large, sweaty people wearing as little clothing as possible. Lovely. Got out of the car, walked down to the water and was immediately disappointed. The cut-off point for going out into the lake was about 5 feet out, so forget having any fun swimming with a person in every direction. My dad started smoking which pissed my mom off. His "ruining the fresh air" had us walking back up the hill to the car. My mom, sister, and myself are allergic to cigarette smoke.

I returned to my music on the way home, and rush back upstairs to meet some people online who left in my absence. You know who you are. Impatient bitches XP

Well, later today I had some interesting conversations involving a few friends of mine. That's all resolved now, thankfully. Then I ended up having a 3 hour phone call with one of them. They should make phones with longer battery life. My phone is about 8 years old, so the battery is screwed. Thus, the cordless thing has about a 3-4 hour battery life.

Anyways, I would make a much longer entry, but I'm tired/and or lazy at the moment I'll update in the near future.

Chrissie: We all know you pwn, so keep pwning.
Alex: Yes, I am God. And you are my godly underling.
Miss Faile: We should seriously bug phone companies to make phones with 10 hour battery lives, just for us.
Andrea: You crazy Nympho, No I did not have phone sex. And no you can not have a copy of the tape....of the non-existent phone sex.
Matt: You won't be reading this for quite a while, buddy, but I hope you get back soon.
Ageh: Insane woman, you. Add me or die >D
Danni: I am SO sorry. I didn't leave you out on purpose. *adds shoutout* I shall giveth thee much cheese for thine mistake. Will thou acceptish my offer...ith?

If you want a shout-out, do something worth it. Otherwise, go away. >P
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