The Fair

Sep 26, 2011 13:51

I had a great time at the LA County Fair yesterday! :)  The highlights/best moments were pretty much...

- Got to see many adorable animals.  YAY.♥

-  The Bodies exhibit.  HELLS YEAH for preserved dead bodies and amputated body parts, bones, brains and intestines!  :D I know that's the morbid love in me, but I can't get enough of that stuff! x) My favorite was the body on display that had every single artery and vein painted BLOOD RED... oh yeah. He looked bad ass. And he was posed all like "GRARRGHHH... I AM BLEEEEEDIIING TOOO DEEEAAATHHHH Dx"

- Dinosaur exhibit. Some pretty cool fossils. But even cooler were the life sized animatronic dino robots. OH MY LITTLE T-REX, I LOVE YOU. YOU ARE THE BAD ASS OF ALL THE DINOSAURS! x)

-  Saw a legless lizard.  HMM.


- Kim won me a bear! :D

That is all. :D

fun, girlfriend, reptiles, kim, dinosaurs, fair, yay death, robots, yay

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