Jul 01, 2006 18:47
portugal beat england...wtf?
france beat BRAZIL WTF?
suzie and i were freaking out. it doesn't make sense. it's kind of funny though 'cause the other day at work jose was going on and on about how brazil was definitely going to win. me, suzie, jacquie, and jose are drawing teams and betting on them. we even made a super cool world cup box to sit on the employee shelf. we're only putting in like 10 bucks each, but still, winning $40 would be awesome. too bad the chef isn't there 'cause i know she'd do it.
germany all the way, man.
work today was horrible. first off i was like 20 minutes late because i lost track of time when we were watching the game at luke's this morning. second, i spilled like 50 different things over the course of the day, and i still can't hear anything out of my right ear. what the fuck. it was basically the shittiest day ever. i did get good tips, even though i didn't really feel like i deserved it.
on the way home i saw this hella sick river spot that we should all go to. it's awesome.
umm...that's all. except i am glad felix is back. the end.