so, it came to my attention a few days ago that i have a
sebaceous cyst. or anyway, that's what my mom said and she's a mofuggin M.D. so i guess i should trust her. it didn't really look like anything at first, just like somebody punched me in the chest and left a gnarly bruise right in between my (magnificent) chi-chis. however now, seabiscuit the sebaceous cyst has gotten bigger, and it. is. disgusting. doctah mommy took a look at it and told me i was lucky cause it looks like it's coming to a head and should drain soon. then i threw up all over her face. first of all, it looks like i have motherfucking
Kuato growing out of the middle of my chest, and second, i am not interested in having things on my body that "drain." i have been obsessively watching videos of people popping cysts because i am the most revolting person in the world (boys, put your peters in me!), but it is an entirely different enchilada if it's me that shit is happening to. i will punch myself in the head until i knock myself out if i have to, i refuse to be conscious for that particular milestone.
if you are not currently vomiting all over your keyboard, here is another piece of information: it's the last weekend of
bodyworlds and i'm goin tomorrow afternoon! it's only like, 20 bucks for admission and the IMAX movie, i'm driving, and maybe, if you play your cards right, i'll let you take a look at the mutant alien baby currently housed betwixt my knockers.