Кооператив "Говномартышки" (Атака Вуду)

Jun 21, 2021 08:42

Какое "Озеро"? "Говномартышки"!

Видимо, эта совершенно феерическая Говномартышка особенно мила их сердцу - даже Лобков-Бобков способен разглядеть в ней себя, даже Машка Какашка-Арбатова. Персонаж-водила нереален, он списан с одного из "агентов". А то, что он женат на дочке работника МИДа - это сладкие сердцу Арбатовой фантазии, башка же у нее больная, тело жирное.

Скромно держащая срам в горсти 22-летняя египетская проститутка Бебо на оскорбления быстро возмутилась и заявила, что она - мужчина и - внимание! - "я тебе запретлю ходить к психиатру".

Все подвалившие белые шлюшки молчат - знают, что будет. А этому хоть ссы в глаза - на все у него один ответ "давай двигаться дальше, ты мне нравишься, давай не грубить".

L4 и L5 я завалила, оказывается, не только потому что внимание ушло в общение, а в основном потому что навалилось биополе оповещенных во всем мире шлюх. Эта Говномартышка прям колдун вуду - как прижмется к тебе, так и запьешь. Так что я тут не при чем, чиста и непорочна.

И никакой разницы между этим говнонегритенком и Путиным не вижу - раз он так мил путинскому говносердцу. Не понимаю только, как страна может дать себя отыметь кооперативу "Уганда- говнонегритята"...

Ни на один вопрос он не отвечал, только повторял "я б хотел, чтоб ты то, чтоб ты это, позвони туда, дай тому, дай Вацап". Вместо скана паспорта послушно загрузил свою фотографию. Потом стал твердить, что скан пропадает, а равно и то, что загрузил. Слово "нет" не слышал совсем. Только под конец в "давай не грубить" послышалась проглоченная горькая оскорбленность, да в самом начале раздражённо буркнул "принцесса". Тупой как пробка! По-моему, взаимоотношения Портмана с Водяновой протекали очень сильно в формате вот такой Говномартышки, я поняла это. Причем с обоих сторон. И дай бог, каждому лорду!

И кстати, по настырности и глухоте, работники психушек - один в один эта Уганда. Вот именно с этим там приходится иметь дело. Ощутите сами:
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29, Male, Kampala, Kampala
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User Profile11 Jun, 2021 4:54 AMhi am Emmanuel from Uganda. I have a white friend in missouri America. is 44 years old single minus a child. he is not rich but he is kind and understanding. I would like you to get to know him on facebook if you don't mind for a friendship leading to a relationship then marriage if all goes well. is it okay with you?

User Profile14 Jun, 2021 11:42 AM
I would like YOU to fu*ck off this profile

User Profile14 Jun, 2021 11:42 AM
is it ok with you?

User Profile14 Jun, 2021 11:45 AMyeahUser Profile14 Jun, 2021 11:47 AM
yeah, stay in Uganda and keep your mouth shut, black pimp. who{d be OK with YOU? I d be OK with a member of british parlament, and you know - they do talk to me

User Profile14 Jun, 2021 11:48 AM
I am interested only in young brits from 25 to 35, you can sleep with thtat guy yourself

User Profile14 Jun, 2021 2:08 PM
You are a s*lut, how can YOU suggest me anything? Which line in my profile made you pretend, you can? Who sent you?

User Profile14 Jun, 2021 2:16 PMI didn't mean to make you say this evil about me. am nothing near what you think of me. ok am sorry. it wasn't a force or a must. I respect your decision and am harmless with no bad motive. am God fearing. God forgive you for your misperception and frustration towards you. all the best. bye

User Profile14 Jun, 2021 2:21 PM
yes you are what i think, otherwise you wouldnt be such an idiot

User Profile14 Jun, 2021 2:25 PMam sorry. ok let's know each other then... me and you

User Profile16 Jun, 2021 9:31 AM
yes, put the passport/DNI copies of YOU and that guy who is OK for you in your photoes. I need to study them. When are you going to do that?

User Profile16 Jun, 2021 9:50 AMok send me your WhatsApp number or Facebook or hangouts or email or telegram or snapchat or Instagram or twitter the one you have for sharing the pictures and for better chat princess.

User Profile17 Jun, 2021 11:05 AM
you are a slu*t and you are a slu*t that can´t even read. I told you: you have nothing to offer me. You will stay with your friend of 44 who is fuc*king you in your wide and scarlet asz*hole. I PROMISE I will do my best for you to stay forever in Uganda and never do anything but w*horing and - die of AIDS eventually. THere is NOT a single line in my profile that gives you a reason to PRETEND that you dare approach me at all. I TOLD YOU TO SEND ME SCANS OF YOUR DNI/PASSPORT (AND THAT OF YOUR FRIEND´s). YOU WILL UPLOAD THEM HERE. I am WAITING. THATS AN ORDER. So HOW is that you are going to know me, exactly, you stinking black monkey? You are planning to rape me, I gather, idiot rat?

User Profile17 Jun, 2021 11:17 AM
and how is that you answer with MY messages unread? CIA technology?

User Profile18 Jun, 2021 9:39 AMenough of your insults .. am trying to now be your close friend but you are isulting me like am a gay or rapist. I have not don't such sexually immoral acts before. am a kind, humble, understanding and patient person. am also God fearing.

User Profile18 Jun, 2021 9:45 AMI forgive you and I won't get angry at you. whatever has made you bitter in your past, I apologise to say am sorry of whatever frustrated you in the past because am different. am HIV negative and I don't know what it feels to have HIV. I won't upload my passport here. sorry. if you can't contact me on whatsapp or email or telegram them am sorry to wish you a blessed future ahead of you with healing and joy. my friend in America is not a gay or sexually immoral too. is just a humble kind man who found it hard getting himself a wife and sought my help and I was trying what I can as I pray to God for intervention. otherwise my Whatsapp number is +256791348683 my telegram is @Ocira17 my email is emocira@gmail.com if you can't contact me in any of these to build friendship then I will understand and tell wish you in advance a blessed future ahead of you.

User Profile18 Jun, 2021 11:31 AM
nobody has invited you into close friends, and WON´t ever invite. you have got nothing to offer, and I won´t forgive YOU for interfering. Who cares how an AIDS virus is trying to be your close friend? you are a sick lier, you won´t forgive me for how I will punish you, monkey. i promise. I KNOW who you are, because it is obvious that it is only you who thinks everybody around you are idiots - because YOU are an idiot yourself. BIG IDIOT. If you were anything real you´d have no probllems give any verification - DNIs, answering important questions and so on.. . But you never did it You haven´t answered a single question of mine. You can pretend for an eternity, but you won´t be able to DO any good ACTS, and that reavels the truth. There is no such thing as “friendship” with an anonimous, interfereing, secretive monkey from nowhere. You are worth NOTHING.

User Profile18 Jun, 2021 11:32 AM
I PROMISE YOU WON¨T FORGIVE ME, but now you will fucz*k off this profile, because I TOLD YOU SO. and will just OBEY. I AM IN COMMAND HERE, scum. You have learnt this, slu*t. I don´t NEED to contact you at all - by any means, any day, for any reason. and I will find out eventually who sent you, rat. I will find out who that 44 year old gay lover of yours is. And if you or him will EVER turn up around me, within 10 km I will cut off your heads with a chainsaw, MYSELF.

User Profile18 Jun, 2021 11:32 AM
You can only pretend that you can contact me or fool me, you don`t have any right even to talk to me. I SAID - there is not a line in my profile that shows you have any REASON to approach me, you are an impotent to do that, “friend”. Nobody will ever give you any indication of interest in your interests.

User Profile18 Jun, 2021 11:33 AM
. I am only interested of how to put you in jail, and you are so impudent and play deaf, because you think it is impossible. You WON¨T ever come up to me and start pretending. I have kept all your details, and be sure, I will recognize you in real life.

User Profile18 Jun, 2021 11:33 AM
now fuz*ck off here, stinking monkey, because that`s what you are told, ni*gger. I will punish you for your impudence one day, be waiting there. I am the BOSS HERE. Well, have you deceived everyone here, rat?

User Profile18 Jun, 2021 11:36 AM
User Profile19 Jun, 2021 3:48 AMok friend..

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 3:59 AMmy full picture and Ugandan IDUser Profile19 Jun, 2021 4:00 AMmy passport ID details.User Profile19 Jun, 2021 4:03 AMfull picture

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 4:05 AMpassport detailsUser Profile19 Jun, 2021 4:05 AMugandan ID details

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 4:07 AMmy friend in America is not willing to share his information here. I don't want to lose you friend. so let's keep the friendship. am real, sincere and genuing. forget my american friend for now and let's focus on our friendship. am sorry. forgive me and let's move on

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 4:07 AMsorry for all you went through in the past. I like youUser Profile19 Jun, 2021 1:03 PM
I see no details

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 1:08 PM
Where are you going to “MOVE ON??? YOU ARE DISGUSTING. I see, you haven’t shut your cu**nt of a mouth, stinking monkey. Not good for you. You know, I didn’t need you, but now I will catch you and lock in a basement. Forever. You must be punished for your impudence. And you will be AIDS-infected, because I will ra*pe you with a HIV-infected spade handle. Myself.

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 1:09 PM
. I can imagine what a terrific who*re your mother is, how she’s been used in all her holes to produce something like you - you feel exactly like most ni*ggers, you are all sooooo disgusting! I believed you’ve learnt your lesson, imbecile. I will learn you to keep your cun*t of a mouth SHUT. Now, tell everyone else that this is what will happen to them, if they too come uninvited. And DARE say here another single word - and you will DIE.

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 4:12 PMlet's be kind to one another. no harsh words please.am a good personUser Profile19 Jun, 2021 4:13 PMI sent the details but when I removed them from my photos, it also disappeared from your sms. ok let me resend them

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 4:14 PMhere they areUser Profile19 Jun, 2021 5:37 PMphotoUser Profile19 Jun, 2021 5:38 PMphotoUser Profile19 Jun, 2021 5:38

PMphotoUser Profile19 Jun, 2021 5:55 PM photo

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 5:56 PM photo

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 7:33 PM the passport photos disappear after some time let me just type the details

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 7:33 PMI mean the passport clip tends to disappear

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 7:35 PMmy passport number for uganda is A00388125

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 7:36 P Mmy national ID number is CM9200510454HJ

User Profile19 Jun, 2021 7:40 PMthat's all I have. I have no other security details

User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:21 PM
I don't need any typying. Post a scan. And what is it you are sorry about, that happened to me in the past?

User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:24 PM
I will be very harsh to you hecause you chose to die yourself, and you won't be anything to me, because you are nothing.

User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:25 PM
What happened to me in the padt?
User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:25 PM
What happened to me in the oast, stupid monkey?

User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:28 PMthe survival of the boy friend you had who was HIV+ is what I was sorry about. jesus loves youUser Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:28 PMI love you too

User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:29 PMlet's be nice to one another friendUser Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:30 PM wait, let me post the scan now
User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:32 PMphotoUser Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:33 PMphotoUser Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:34 PM That is my passport details above

User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:34 PMphotoUser Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:35 PMThat's my ID for uganda

User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:37 PMthat's my passport detailsUser Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:38 PMmy id

User Profile20 Jun, 2021 6:38 PMmy passport

User Profile20 Jun, 2021 7:23 PM
I am absolutely not sorry that he will die. Now. You chose it yourself. You will die like i promised. I couldn't even have imagined such a stupid nig*ger. You are a cosmic size wh*ore. I will lock you in a basement with you mummy, she mustn't fu*ck, and you will have to fu*ck together and then eat each other. But I am sure your mum will eat you first. Then I will let in a dozen more of ni*ggers for her to have some fun. You are not afraid of anything but you will be, when you see your hands and your legs chopped off and lying beside you, monkey. Then you'll feel how i cut your throat. But i am sure i may not need to bother. You do everything in your life through your asz*hole, you were even born through an assz*whole, not like all the normal humans, imbecile, so I am sure you can find a way to get killed for you impudence yourself. Goodluck, Uganda! Rot in Uganda forever! Su*ck it with Putin! And fuc*k off here, filth

Напоминаю: я не шовинист. По-моему, этот диалог ясно показывает, что я не шовинист.

атака вуду, шлюхи, изнасилованная Уганда, кооператив "Озеро", лорды, Владимир Путин

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