May 11, 2011 03:02
- 07:37:32: Good memories morning with @ Nyrsaeans and it felt good to laugh over them all! #tupperware #memories #adultarticulationofchildhoodideas
- 07:40:18: What are your fave memories from growing up? Mine are #cocacola glasses, #cabbagepatchkids #snoopyiceconemaker and #books
- 07:44:29: Must stop coming up with community ideas! One based on personal ads is my current fixation.
- 14:49:11: RT @Syfy: Retweet this note by 5pm PT on 5/13 for a chance to win 1 of 3 #Stargate Universe press kits -
- 15:06:29: @ martii you would? Don't tempt me!
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