Apr 14, 2010 03:02
- 06:52:21: got my stuff for work done. Oh yes, as soon as my references/bg check come back, I'm hired. OMG OMG. Freaking commences now, but it's ok.
- 08:59:10: You know.. normally I'd be panicked about something that's gone on this morning... I'm not.
- 09:02:40: Sometimes I feel like everyone grows apart.
- 11:18:58: the neighbor took a look at @ mikahpup and said "oh my god, he's gotten SO MUCH BIGGER. A month ago he was TINY." I laughed. MONSTER DOG
- 14:31:17: @ seananmcguire I'm voting... both. *winks*
- 15:07:08: @ halseanderson How do you feel about fanfiction or people RPG (Role Play Game)ing your characters? #asklaurie
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