You know, I almost hate posting that link. I hate that he'll get even a person more traffic.
But I have to put it up. I have to show that the women's rights movement hasn't gone nearly far enough. That there are still people out there, there are still men out there, that view women as objects. That are violent, uncivilized, brutes of humans. That everything female is an object of contempt for him. It makes me want to not be empathitic, but rather HIT HIM if for nothing else than to prove that a girl could whip his little entitled ass.
I HATE this world. I don't want to live in it. Does no one notice that this is the most RETARDED system set up? We encourage the worst in people, idealize traits that are harmful and self-serving, assign value to the worthless and call worthless the valuable.
I'm raised to strive...for what? A bigger house? A nicer car? Better clothes? What the bloody fuck do I need any of this for?!? I don't want material things. What use is something that can be taken away from me? Maybe it's because I've moved around so much, maybe it's because I could never keep track of something, but I've never developed the attachment to physical things. I'd RATHER share with people...the great thing about books is not that I hoard them, but that I get to share them with people: we get passed back and forth. What good is a book that I keep to myself?
Also, what's so bloody great about violence? *rolls eyes* yes, let's hurt each other, that'll make everyone "tough" and prove who's "strong". Idiotic fascination with physical performance. There's nothing wrong with enjoying personal strength and one's own body, but bloody fucking hell, humans have been out of the freaking evolutionary gene pool for CENTURIES. We have no fur, we can have poor eyesight...mating has long been away from the physically strong.
fuck, people. My friend Jon, told me about this story. There was an island in the Aegean sea. It was small, but perfectly democratic. It didn't have a very strong military presence, so Athens ran it over: killed all the men, sold all the women into slavery.
Moral to the story, according to Jon: always have a strong military.
Moral to the story, according to me: DON"T BE FUCKING IMPERILISTIC PRICKS. The island that got overtaken? They did the right thing. The Athenians? Fucking pricks. I don't care if they "won", they in fact, lost.
That's the fuck of it: we've got this idea rolled around in our heads that if we get what we want, then what we did is right. The rich are rich because they were more moral. Might makes right, because if it wasn't right, it wouldn't win. This is STUPID: the world isn't just, isn't fair, and it's up to human beings to try and make it as fair as they can. There's a reason there's a "just world" fallacy, resulting in cold cognative dissonance.
Ah screw it. I can't wait until May.
In other news, I have a quiz tommorow in a class I haven't went to, covering chapters 4-6 in a textbook I don't have.