Jan 28, 2013 11:49
I really have to work at it to get in 64 ozs of water a day. This is day 2 and I'm already feeling put upon for having to think about this so much. Man, how do people do this every single day?
I've decided to get my hair cut pretty short. It's stupid but my hair is interfering with work outs. If I work out after work I get sweaty and having to deal with my hair is a major pain. It's a dumb excuse, but it's there - so I'm going to eliminate it. Hopefully a new shorter cut won't make me look too masculine. I've got a sharp face and it looks kind of severe so I need a softer hairstyle. Angel got her hair cut - bummer. Tt looks kind of like I want mine to look and she did it first!
I'm in a weird mood. I slept OK and did the elliptical this morning, but I hit snooze twice and got a late start due to the weather so I came in late and there have been a lot of issues at work so I'm not feeling all that invigorated. I'm also on the fence about Guatemala. I should probably go. It's in March which is my 'down' time so have a spiritual retreat then should be good. Or else my mood will wreck it. I like Fr. Paul but he is relentlessly extroverted and I'm a little afraid of a Philippines repeat.