May 15, 2005 15:35
ALRIGHT i went to Nicoles birthday was HUGE!! then there was some bullshizzle drama that like created a damn riot!!! then i saw Josh and everyone at Cheesecake factory...I was with Sanaz..(THAT BITCH IT CRAZY!!!) haahah newayys her cousin and his friend picked us up and we went to Westwood and to the Habibi Cafe and i was about to smoke HOOKA but the fuker guy was liek u have to sit down or leave and i was like ya we're about to leave and i was putting it in my mouth and he pulled it out!!!!!!! and we had to leave!! SO GHETTO!!! We saw LIL ROMEO and SanaZ was going crazy and we took a pic with him...hes SOOOOO FINNEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOWOOWOWOW but u cant even like see us in the picture!!!!!!! DAMN IT!! newayys i slept at Sanaz;'s with her coousin and his friend and like we partied all night and threw carrots everywhere and me and her cousin went to McDonalds at like 3 AM!!! ahhaha and Sanaz fell in the food...and i totally beat her bros ASSS!!!! hahha we;re gnna have a wrestling match next time!!!! SAY WAT!!!!!!!!! IM PERSIAN!!!!