In fact, I have.
antifuchs: your journal is out of date
Xach: I don't keep a journal (: is your journal!
"Now all I have to do is get a good scheme lib for gtk+ ..."
I'm not sure that the person keeping the livejournal and me are eq (:
this is me
* antifuchs doesn't remember ever writing this
[time passes]
antifuchs: so you *are* eq
so we are (:
but I have been change-classed a few times since then (:
this feels very weird (:
this must have been a time when livejournal was still free and all was well
Xach: this is really very shocking (:
Now, have I really changed?
Geek-wise, not really. Apart from some minor changes of belief (using freebsd now instead of linux, yoink!) I started studying
Computer Science in September 2001; and I started using
Lisp as my main programming language sometime in 2002.
As a person, very much (I think). I do no longer live with my parents, instead I live in Vienna; my girlfriend, Veronika (no link yet) moved in with me last September. Many new friends found, some old not-so-friends forgotten. Many experiences had and made. Many books read I which had always wanted to read (and even some I had never imagined I wanted to).
As a piece of work potential in the capitalistic meat grinding machine: yes, very. I now have a job (which even makes me moderately happy), at a medium-sized yet professional Internet Service Provider in Vienna.
As a piece of bones surrounded by human flesh: not much; still look mostly the same (hair a little longer, beard sometimes not shaven off). I have had my first case of RSI since I started typing, and took the consequences: I'm probably going to start at a local
Jiu-Jutsu club (or anything else which requires movement of things other than the fingers/hands), install a keyboard tray (this fscking desk is way too high for me!) and take my chair's arm rests off.
As a music receptor: some. I still enjoy listening to Bauhaus and gothic stuff, but found more stuff I like:
A T R (and digital hardcore in general),
german punk from the 70s/80s, and much, much more stuff.
Hm, this should give you a general impression of antifuchs today. Do not expect this journal to be updated regularly. Better wait 2 years or however long it takes me to forget it before reminding me again of its existence - maybe I'll update it, even. (-: