Calm the hell DOWN *slaps*

Mar 24, 2003 03:22

Trying to relax. Got WAY too stressed out just then. Gotta test tomorrow. Should be a piece of wotsit, but the usual panic happens. Am going to bed soon cause I'm getting a bit funny in the head,not a state to do decent work in.

Had an interesting night on Ssaturday. Had 2 pints, 2 APAs and two pitchers of 6xvodka red bull. Now I think about it, that's a LOT of alcohol. Had a nice chat, managing to beat off the Black Pit of Despair as it was looming, and got to meet Kath's fiancee properly for the first time. Nice guy. Went down to Full Tilt which DIDN'T SUCK. I felt pretty ok at the time though, so it must have been the company. Hugs to everyone who went, especially Tai and even that drugged-up hippy Tom ;-). Had the best night clubbing


Best night out clubbing ever. Who'd have guessed?
Was poorly the next morning though.

Just saw Falling Down, which kicks some. Iainest movie evvvverr. Bought Dog Soldiers from Virgin on Oxford Street for £10. (They have a sale on! Jake got Platoon for £2 and Blues Brothers for £3- get down there!) Am told it rocks by people who like my kind of movies. It's about a bunch of British squaddies, led by Sean Pertwee who encounter hordes of werewolves. I fail to see how it can not rule. I'll bring to to Baz's party on Friday, but I'll probably see it with Jake before then.

On the downside, I've got Acute Lonely Bastard Syndrome. The only person I've seen all day whilst up was Dom's fiancee Jenny, who was breathtakingly rude to me. I was impressed. To make things worse, people are staying at their dates' houses. But not bitter today. I want someone to hold right now *sigh*.
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