(no subject)

Aug 10, 2004 00:10

What is your full name:: cody jay hardin
Spell your first name backwards:: ydoc
Date of birth:: 10/30/86
Male or female::male
Astrological sign:: scorpio
Nicknames:: buddy punk rawk
Occupation:: school
Height:: middle
Weight:: 130
Hair color:: brown and blonde
Eye color:: brown
Where were you born:: Houston.Tx
Where do you reside now:: spring
Age:: 17
Screen names:: inuyashas shard
E-mail addy:: imthatoneguy@negativeoutlooktx.com
What does your screen name stand for:: its show i watch on tv
What is your greatestjournal name:: antiflagsgood4u
What does your greatestjournal name stand for:: it stands for wut is good for you and obviously anti-flag is good 4 u
Pets:: one dog/goose
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake:: 17
Piercings:: none
Tattoo's:: none
Shoe size:: 10 1/2
Righty or lefty:: right
Wearing:: shorts and shirt and sox
Hearing:: atreyu
Feeling:: tired
Eating/drinking:: nothing

Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff
Have you ever been in love:: yea
How many people have you said: what??
How many people have you been in REAL love with:: one
How many people have you kissed:: not sure
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex:: hell no
How many people have you dated:: not sure
What do you look for in a guy/girl:: personality,same intrests
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex:: eyes i suppose
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for:: not to sure jus a girl that likes me i guess
Do you have a crush right now:: yea
If so who is it:: heather duh
Do you believe in love at first sight:: yea
Do you remember your first love:: not to sure
Who is the first person you kissed:: cant remember
Do you believe in fate:: yeah
Do you believe in soul mates:: duh cuz ive found mine
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours:: i told u silly

Music Stuff
What song do you swear was written about you or your life:: songs by atreyu reflect wut happens in my life sometimes but not all the time
What's the most embarrassing cd you own::not to sure
What's the best cd you own:: one of the goodns
What song do you absolutely hate:: the darkness hell no
Do you sing in the shower:: duh thats where i get my groove on
What song reminds you of that special someone:: maybe some songs by atreyu

Color:: olive green
Food:: the meatball pizza from the mall
Song:: to many
Show:: simpsons,adultswim shows
School subject:: history
Band/singer/artist:: antiflag,atreyu
Animal:: goose
Outfit:: shorts, black tube sox, hi top vans and shirt, no boxers JK
Radio station:: dont listen to radio
Movie:: a good one that i like
Pair of shoes:: old school vans hi tops
Cartoon:: adult swim or simpsons
Actor:: -
Actress:: -
Potato chip:: the salsa verde doritos
Drink:: i dont drink silly
Soda:: ne soda i like dem all
Holiday:: one of them not to sure
Perfume/cologne:: psh who needs it ( prolly me)
Pizza topping:: sausage duh
Jello flavor:: the blue or green
Lunch meat:: turkey
Card Game:: black jack or texas hold'em
Video game:: u do noe who ur talking to theres jus to many to list
Website:: theres alot
Book:: lots
Computer game:: sims
Number:: 2038570293564276094273095324067 remember that
Cereal:: gotta have my pops
Comedian:: dave chapelle
Clothing store:: somewhere that sells clothes
Past time:: huh?
Teacher:: -
Childhood toy:: ninja turtles , batman
Carnival game/ride:: the one with the balloons and darts
Candy bar:: butterfingers
Magazine:: big brother
Salad dressing:: ranch
Thing to do on the weekend:: seeing heather is the only thing i want to do on weekend
Hot drink:: chocolate
Season:: fall
Sport to watch:: x games
Person to talk to online:: everybody

Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits
What color are your sheets:: i dont gots ne but i have pink blankey
What color are your bedroom walls:: green
Do you have posters on your wall:: naw jus chip bags and shit
If so of what::i tell u well flyers and skateboard shit
Do you have a tv in your bedroom:: yup
How many pillows are on your bed:: 1 on bed one on floor
What do you normally sleep in:: clothes i wear during the day
Describe your favorite pair of pajamas:: my gumby pajamas with pokey the horse
What size bed do you have:: twin
Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed:: a normal one
Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom:: nope
Describe the last nightmare you had:: scary
Do you sleep with stuffed animals:: no
How many people can comfortably sleep comfortably in your bed:: dunno heather should come over to test out
Any unusual sleeping positions::i jus sleep with butt in air jk
Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling:: nope
Do you snore:: i dont think i do
How about drool:: hell yea
Do you have an alarm clock in your room:: no threw it at the wall
What color is the carpet in your room:: brownish
What's under your bed:: who noes

This or that
loser/wannabe:: loser
Doughnuts/bagels:: donuts
Day/night:: night
Make love/have sex:: both
Coffee/tea:: both
Hamburgers/hotdogs:: both
Rap/rock:: rock
Silver/gold:: silver
McDonalds/Taco Bell:: taco bell
Sweet/sour:: sour
Punk/emo:: Punk
Hot/cold:: cold
Winter/summer:: summer
Spring/fall:: Fall
Read/watch tv:: depends
Cd's/tapes:: cds
Dvd's/vhs:: who cares
Old/new:: depends
Shorts/skirts:: i dont think i have the legs for a skirt
Pink/red:: red
Colored pictures/black and white photos:: colored
Meat/vegetables:: meat
Mexican food/chinese food:: mexican
Scary movies/comedies:: scary movies to dam scary
Sandals/tennis shoes:: shoes
Dogs/cats:: both
Unicorns/fairies:: wut the hell kinda question is that
Water/land:: land
Sugar/spice:: not sure
Black/white:: black
Chicken/beef:: depends
Colored christmas lights/regular white christmas lights:: colored
Cars/trucks:: car
Austin Powers/James Bond:: Austin Powers
Popcorn/pretzels:: depends on the pretzel
Passionate kiss/peck:: kiss
Back rub/foot massage:: back rub
Picture frames/photo albums:: albums

What Is Your Opinion Of The Following
Eminem:: he white wut he doin
The Osbournes:: sharrrrrrrrrron
Reality TV:: to much of it
J.Lo:: ghetto bootay
Religion:: its your choice
Emo music:: dunno dont listen to it
Valentine's Day:: who noes
Christina Aguilera's comeback:: should of stayed blonde
Homosexuals:: just let them be
Abortion:: its wrong
Inter-racial relationships:: if you like mixing then go for it
Murder:: ok stalin
Death:: i hear everyones doing it
Obesity:: that food is not for u
Pre-marital sex:: lol u wanna test the car b4 u buy it jk its up to whoever it is
Pornography:: gets old
Fortune Tellers:: hoax
Threesomes:: that ok jus one girl good enough for me
Prostitution:: its a job
Politics:: its time they changed
Country music:: i like that hank 3 song
George W. Bush:: douche bag
Cloning:: who wants 2 of the same sheep honestly
Britney's boobs:: eh ive seen better
Gas prices in America:: way to high

Have You Ever....
Mooned anyone:: nope
Been on a diet:: nope
Been to a foreign country:: noep
Broken a bone:: no
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling:: yea
Swear at a teacher:: oh hell yea 2nd grade
Got in a fight:: yea
Dated a teacher:: well there was this one jk no
Laughed so hard you peed your pants:: no
Thought about killing your enemy:: no
Gone skinny dipping:: no
Told a little white lie:: yea
Told a secret you swore not to tell:: no
Stolen anything:: yup
Been on TV:: idk maybe i have but it was live so i couldnt see it so who noes
Been on the radio:: no
Been in a mosh pit:: yea
Been to a concert:: yea
Dated one of your best friends:: not to sure
Loved someone so much it makes you cry::if i lost heather i cry
Deceived somebody close to you:: no
Broken the law:: yea
Been to a rodeo:: yeah
Been on an airplane:: yea
Got to ride on a firetruck:: no :-(
Came close to dying:: no
Cheated on a bf/gf:: no thats fucked up
Snuck out of the house at night:: yea
Been so drunk you don't remember your name:: i dont drink silly
Had an eating disorder:: no
Felt like you didn't belong:: yea
Felt like the 3rd wheel:: yea
Smoked:: yea
Done drugs:: yea
Been arrested:: yea
Had your tonsils removed:: no
Written a love letter:: no
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love:: yea
Written a love poem:: no
Kissed in the rain:: no
Slow danced with someone you love:: no
Participated in an orgy:: no
Faked an orgasm:: no
Stolen a kiss:: no
Asked a friend for relationship advice:: yea
Had a friend steal your bf/gf:: no
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love:: maybe one day
Gotten a speeding ticket:: not yet
Done jail time:: no
Had to wear a uniform to work:: no
Won a trophy:: yea
Thrown up in public:: no
Failed/got held back:: not sure we find out in a week
Got perfect attendance in grade school:: no

Childhood Stuff
Did you play with Barbies/G.I. Joes:: yea
Did you own Treasure Trolls:: hell no they scary and nakie
Did you play Simon Says:: yeah!
Did you watch Fraggle Rock:: i think i noe that show not to sure tho
Did you wet the bed:: didnt everyone
Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed:: if there was i pee on him
Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them:: no jus super heros
Were you shy:: not to sure cant remember that far back
Were you spoiled:: not to sure cant remember that far back
Were you abused:: not to sure cant remember that far back
Did you go to the circus:: yeah
Did you go to the zoo:: yeah
Were you in a car accident:: yea
Did you build snowmen:: yea
Did you cry when you scraped your knee:: yea
Did you think slinkies were cool:: were cool they still are
Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer:: yea duh
Were you afraid of the dark:: no
Did you have slumber parties:: maybe like once
Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy:: naw

Do you believe in aliens:: yea
Name three things that are next to your computer:: deoderant coke cans and an arubix cube
Do you have any hidden talents:: dunno havent found ne yet
Do you wish MTV would play music videos:: i hate mtv it all about fuse b
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be:: comedy or horror :: comedy
What is the best movie you've seen in the theater or rented recently:: bill and teds bogus journey
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen:: not sure
Do you drive:: yea
Do you think your good looking:: not really
Do others think you are good looking:: not sure
Would you ever sky dive:: hells yea
How many rooms do you have in your house:: 3 1/2
Are you afraid of roller coasters:: duh that shit scary
Do you believe in God:: undecided
Do you have a pool:: yea
Do you like chocolate:: yes
How many U.S. states have you been to:: to many
Ever wished on a shooting star:: yea
Best Halloween costume you ever wore:: bat man
Do you carry any weapons on you:: nope
Name something you can't get enough of:: heather
How many kids do you want to have:: 2
Future daughters names:: goosette
Future sons names:: goose
What is your ideal way to die:: in my sleep
How do you release stress:: skate board
Do you consider yourself a trendy person:: nope
Are you an artisitic person:: is skating art
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off:: no
Who is the last person to e-mail you:: the singer from starlit summer
Who is the last person to IM you:: lisa
Do you hate chain e-mails:: sure
Are you a deep sleeper:: no
What do you believe is your best quality:: me funny sumtimes not really
What is your greatest accomplishment:: to go to bathroom all by myself
Do you like to burn candles or incense:: idk
Do you have your own credit card:: no
Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?:: buy a house with everything in it and jus live in it with heather and build skate park behind it
Do you have a check book:: no
Do you tan easily:: not sure
What color is your hair naturally:: brown
How many fillings do you have:: none
Worst feeling in the world?: not being able to see the one u love
Last thing you downloaded:: atreyu - bleeding massacre
Do you catch yourself using online terms in your real life?:: no
What do you think people think of you:: who noes well them but idc
Are you a likeable person:: maybe
Do you need therapy:: not no more
Do you love your bf/gf:: yes with every bit of my heart and soul
What's your favorite phrase:: i dont fuckin noe
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