Aug 27, 2005 13:03


This man is the very definition of disgusting/vile/putrid/etc etc. His teachings sicken me. I literally feel sick to my stomach every time I hear anything that he says. And not only are his teachings horrendous, but people actually eat up every word he says!
I can't understand how he is such a good Christian when he is filled with such unnatural hatred for homosexuals. All over his website, he celebrates the day that Matthew Shepard died and went to hell.

Reads: Matthew Shepard entered hell October 12, 1998 at age 21 in defiance of God's warning, "Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind; It is an abomination"
And if he hates Matthew Shepard so much for being homosexual, why doesn't he show the same amount of hate for the men who raped and killed him? They did the same act, yet they are not sinners?

He erects monuments telling people not to mourn the deaths of their loves ones simply because they are homosexual, and telling people that God sent the Tsunamis to Asia to kill the Sweedish, because they're nothing but "vile wrong doing faggots". He encourages people to be activists for having the death penalty as a punishment for people who committ sodomy.

And the worst part of all of it, is this:


I understand that the bible says that Thou shall not lie with mankind as with womankind; It is an abomination, but the bible ALSO says to love your neighbor as you love yourself.
If he hates homosexuals so much for being sinners, he should hate himself equally for the sin of hatred.
Everything about him is completely ugly. There's no other way of describe it. He should never ever even claim to be a man of God when he acts in such a manner.

I can't even start to comprehend the pure hatred that people have against homosexuals in our world today, or even just people in general. Why do people hate them so much? I don't understand it, I don't. Who are you to judge someone for loving another person? What the hell is wrong with that? I understand if you're religious, I respect that even, but there is no need to hate any person just because their sexual preference is different than yours. They are not evil, they are not dirty, they are not disgusting, they are not sinners. They are people who love, just like anyone else.

I keep reading and reading things on his website (www.godhatesfags.com), and with each sentence I read, my heart is filled more and more disgust.

All I have to say to Fred Phelps is
Let he among us without sin be the first to condemn.

Stolen from:bescenenotherd
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