But this entry is about neither capitalism nor terrorism.
- I've been reading a lot about filmmaking lately. And thiking about ideas and whatnot. Wheels are turning. It will happen, I'm just not sure when. Watching and reading about Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind especially gets me stoked, because Michel Gondry is such a fucking genius. The amazing cinematography, and knowing that he used certain tricks instead of traditional movie techniques just give me this surge of enthusiasm for filmmaking. I still need to get shit written and to procure a camera (preferably 16mm or Super 16mm, but I'll probably have to shoot on DV, since it's easier to come by and I would imagine much much cheaper) and all that jazz, but I'm still stoked about even the idea.
I've had an interest in this since probably grade 12, but this is the first time I've felt like I am 100% certain I will be able to do this.
- Other things I've been nerding out about the past couple days:
Moleskine notebooks (specifically their sketchbooks and storyboard notebooks) and
Jewelboxing dvd and cd cases. Yes, I know how lame that makes me. I don't care.
- Good new (and not-so-new) albums:
The Lost Patrol Band - "The Lost patrol Band" (Although it's not a folk album, like I had been hoping, it's still great.)
Thrice - "Vheissu" (All I have to say about thet one is HOLY SHIT.)
Idiot Pilot - "Strange We Should Meet Here" (Yes, I'm still in love with that one, too.
- My Anthropology midterm seemed to go quite well last night. At least I think so.
- Lost was great last night. That show is too fucking great.
- I need to clean my room, desperately.