Nov 15, 2004 10:49
I stayed home from school today...I think I got the plague or something cause I'm hackin up my lungs.
yesterday was alright, I hung wit Kara and Emily and Mikey and Jeremy and Nick and Bruha for a little bit. Mikey's new puppy is awesome! he didn't go to the bathroom at all yesterday! I wanted to call him a number of names... Coach Z, The Chort, Chode, penis pump, Donkey Punch, Body massage, Maynard, and a whole bunch of others...but I think he's decided on "Blue" which is the name of a stellar A PERFECT CIRCLE Song. So I'm allright with that.
yea Kara made up with everyone so everyone's happy again, cept me, but that's a different story, that has nothing to do with Kara or yesterday, Then Lins Called me and told me everything was all good, so that made me kinda happy. Welp, it's been fun peace out.