God this fame thing is so boring, I'd rather just screw directors
Now seriously what the hell was she thinking? She's doing a PHOTOSHOOT and she decides to put on a look that would scare the shit out of everyone
What big, beautiful eyes you have Emma, also the photo makes no sense Emma's laughing her head off and Rupert's just kinda looking at something and may I also point out that he is BEHIND her in EVERY PHOTO FROM THIS SHOOT
Another photo that makes no sense Emma's smiling HOLY SHIT and Rupert looks constipated.........oh wait he's next to Emma that DOES make sense
OMG they've like faded out Rupert and Emma's just smirkin likes theres no tomorow thinking "my work is done"
OMG WTF who does an expression like that at PHOTOSHOOT does she want to be portrayed as a bitch cause thats wat she looks like
Again with the bitch factor oh and very nice hair so healthy
This is why I don't do drugs
Why yes I give blowjobs for free but you have to be a director
Im not gunna smirk cause theres only ONE camera