
May 01, 2005 21:25

Just a silly interview thing written ages ago

Right-I finally managed to get hold of none other than Miss Emma Waaaaaton herself *shudder* for a quick interview:

Random person: so Emma, or may I call you Em?
Emma: yeah, sure you can call me Em
R: o. k. now, we’ve heard all about your “gurl pooowwwwaaa!!!1” antics in this third film…
E:*draws breath, about to speak*
R:…but we’re not going to talk about that…
E:*gives a funny/downhearted look to the interviewer*
R: no, instead we’ll talk about your choice in outfits, o. k ?
E: ……um oo. K…
R: now, lets start with the paper bag you *whore* I mean wore for the POA New York prem
E: excuse me?
R: you know! The one which kept falling down-what an embarrassment! In front of all those cameras!
E: errm well Marc Jacobs designed that especially for me! Oh how kewl is that?!!!!1111!!!2!!11onethousandonehunderedandeleven!!!1111””22!!
R: really? I heard it was ANOTHER one of your dad’s great, great grandfathers possessions from when he was a hobo on the street…
E:…how-I mean-errrr of course not! How dare you! We Watson’s are pedigree! No actually I bought it from Selfridge’s.
R: yer, anyway, let’s go on to your collection of boots. now, as we all know, you always wear the most horrible boots, especially with dresses.
E: I find I can easily get away with wearing boots with dresses-my stunningly good looks and my charming smile somewhat detract my fans from my outfit. For this reason, I never really try hard
R: as we can tell.
E:*shuffles in chair. Obviously annoyed*
R: oh I almost forgot! I wanted to ask about that snoopy/wolf top you wore while you were *whoring* I mean, hanging around off set in
E: oh yes, one of my more casual but cool numbers
R: quite, now I was wondering, is there any significance at all between snoopy and a wolf?
E: well actually the woman who sold it to me said that these two characters are of significance in Greek mythology. Yeah I know weird-I knew that without really knowing it! Aren’t I clever?!
R: well I’m glad to say that’s all we have time for Emma, thank you for being here.
E:*storms out of interviewing room making demands*


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