I, lyk, think Emma's, lyk, TOtaLLy AweSoME aNd u gUYs Are lYK sOOOOO MeaN...

Oct 16, 2005 08:53

No, not really.

Name: Charlotte

Age: 19

Why do you not like Emma Watson?: I don't have a huge issuse with her as a person. I think that the directors etc in realising her character have over-prettied her character [with the exception of THAT dress, oh dear] which is understandable but frustrating for those who would like the movies to closely resemble the books wherever possible. I am well aware that they are two diffeent mediums and that a movie-going public expect pretty and/or glam female main characters, but...it's still unfortunate. There are people saying that Bonnie isn't pretty enough to be Ginny, but then I suppose that's an entirely different kettle of fish really.

What are your views on Emma fans?: They don't bother me. Some people are very into their fandoms, it's just the way it is.

Were you ever an Emma fan?: Not in a hard out "Emma's, lyk, TOtaLLy AweSoME" way, but I didn't really [and still don't really] have a HUGE problem with her in the movies. Like I said, she is at the mercy of scriptwriters and the general production team.

How did you find this community?: I forget. Wandering through eljay, I think.

Why did you decide to join?: Because you all amuse me greatly. ♥

Do you plan on being an active member?: Yes, and I'd like to do at least one picspam.

If drama were to occur, how would you respond to it, and where would your loyalties lie?: Depends what the drama was about. I'd probably be metaphorically in the middle trying to mediate.

Here's some, er, pretty pictures for you.

Honey? Put down your Photoshop and BACK SLOWLY AWAY from your computer.

Er...interesting thought...the age difference though, might possibly be an issue? Maybe?

Very creeped out right now. How could this NOT scare you. [and I'll just quietly point out the unfortunate pun in this picture...]


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