something that we haven't see on the fansites... wow i mean seriously if we post this on a fansite, i wonder what will be those blind moron's comebacks be? that we editted the picture of Emma?...(even so, we have better things to do than to edit pics of her fugly face so yeah)
The photographer who took this picture, we love him forever! He really seserved a raise and a promotion! I woner if his camera exploded when he took that pic...most probably!
so what you people think? comment my pretties! comment!
other emma stupidities
Oh yes! what a beauty queen! Man I mean, she has everything to be a 'beauty queen' Look at the smirk and the blonde faked-ness! and the obvious lack of teeth brushing...ow my eyes!
*gags* yes michael jackson rocks the dace floor! run away emma he might mistake you for a little boy! *focus* on the look on her face, STONER'S ANONYMOUS IS ACROSS THE's something between bitchy and stoned. Emma went to the dentist and got her teeth cemented.
Emma's official brand: Smirk coz you're on candid camera...the camera will break!
What a lovely smirk *gag* I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SHE DARES SMIRK IN THE MOVIE? As if smirking in everyday life isn't enought now she ruins hermione even if we wanted to see her stupid smirk *vomits*