Fuck to stress.
I have 1001 deadlines to meet, literally. So will you people do me a damned favour, & stop requesting me to do this & that for you, at such a short notice? When I fuckingly explain to you, that I have no godamned time, you walk away & tell the whole office that I'm an asshat. Hun? I'm collapsing under stress & workload soon. I just wish you would let me get a fucking BREATH.
Hell, all my friends are drifting apart from me because I have no time to spend with them. Hell. You're making me lose all my friends, get isolated at work, do you get paid to do it or what? I don't even have a freaking one to cry to. At night, I face my dark empty flat after finishing all the stuff you pile on me, while you all go out and enjoy yourselves.
I'm going to slam everything you slammed on my table back to yours, & you can have fun sorting everything out. I'll do this to all of you who continue pushing stuff to me, until I fuckingly get back my normal schedule. I get a fixed salary every month and so do you, so get your bloody ass off and go do the work you're supposed to.
Okay I was really stressed. Typing this was a good way of destressing :)