Mar 03, 2009 13:37
The restore from ITS is going tragically slow (Angelo told me about around 1:20 pm that we only had about 2.5 GB recovered out of ~23).
Actually, looking at the console just now, the recovery aborted, apparently a network glitch. FML.
We're now going to have ITS restore the data to some disks they have over there, just so that we can get the data off the tapes as fast as possible, once that is done, we can swing by with some removable disks or something to get the data back to CSH.
Watching the restore right now, it looks like it's moving at around 5-15 MB/second, so it should be done in a reasonable amount of time.
Update 4:30pm: Backup server index isn't showing anything in /usr, but reports indicate that /usr was backed up; guessing index is AFU. /mail_domain and such are inbound to hactar. Probably going to need to build base OS from scratch.. not looking forward to this. gotta run!
Update 6:51pm: Good news: mail and news spools are intact. Bad news: /usr and /var are gone. All this time, networker was backing up /usr/compat/linux/[usr,var]. I feel like an ass for never seeing this.