You know I didn't sound like this till I was in my 20s. lol Though I can understand where you're coming from on all this. I feel that way a lot myself. Sort of like you've moved into the background, and everyone is kind of just walking by you. Or what I've referred to to Graham as background noise as opposed to what he so sweetly referred to as "foreground music." But you know it's never nearly as bad as we perceive it. And you've still got plenty of time to be maudlin. lol Besides with all that business about so and so liking so and so better, don't pay any attention to that. Those sorts of acquaintances and I won't say "friends" are a dime a dozen. And well only real friends come bouncing back, if they ever parted in the first place. Remember that, and things will be much easier for you. And about that whole talking to each other feeling forced. Connor, dear, it shouldn't have to feel forced. You know as well as I, no one can be constantly talking to any one. But when they can't seem to give you a bit of talk, it's really not worth it. Now this is all within reason. Stress and serious responsibilities can ruin a constant update factor. Graham and I are a prime example. But I do get to talk to him and when he has the time he wants to talk to me. They have to WANT it. And as much as I would like to talk to him every minute of the day, lol, not being able to is something I've had to come to grips with. And we're working on it, and even if it's random comments during the day while we work, as much as I irritate him. lol So yeah, pay no attention to all this. You gotta realize how awesome you are though, and when you do, your time will come. Mine did. :D You know where to find me if you need me.
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