"You know this is an Altman film, right??"

Feb 11, 2002 08:15

This early morning death-fog is going to be the death of me today. I had a pretty long nap yesterday afternoon, but three and a half-hours of sleep, even with a nap, isn't enough.

I fell asleep on the bus on my way to work, and almost missed my stop. The CD I was listening to had lulled me to sleep, and the song that was playing wasn't helping. The Somalian woman who slammed herself into the seat next to me, although all the seats on the bus were pretty much empty, did help though. I was jostled awake, and just made my stop before the bus pulled away to leave the city (mine is the last city stop). I think I need to be more responsible on nights when I have to get up at six. We started watching "M*A*S*H" (the film, not the show) a little on the late side, and I fell asleep halfway through. Happygun stayed up to watch the movie, but the volume started to get to me, and I couldn't sleep, and ended up getting cranky, something that he didn't appreciate much. I apologized for my crankiness this morning, and he forgave me though, so I guess it's okay. I'm PMS'ing anyhow, so I suppose on a bell curve of how some women can be when they're about to get their periods, I've been pretty well behaved, hormone-wise.

I need to do some talking to Nicole about her usage of space in the apartment. I'm tired of tripping over her many pairs of shoes she finds necessary to leave right in the middle of the bleeding hallway. I stole one of her breakfast drinks anyhow, so I guess we're even. I'm going to buy a bunch more when I get my loan check though, so.. oh well.

Damn, I'm tired.
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