Here you go, Steveslimelight:

Apr 23, 2002 00:40

I seem to be good at asking absurd questions when I meet famous people:

"Hey Ronan..." I say as he's RACING to go use the restroom.

a second later, he comes out:

"So, this guy Steve I know in London...he's in a band, Revolution By Night...He was wondering when you're going to be done with the remix.."

"Mark, you have GOT to come here, you are not going to believe this!" (meanwhile Mark is busy elsewhere)

"Steve and Bryon asked me to ask you about it... they're harassing you..." *smirk*

"Well if Mr. Weeks keeps harassing me about it, he's not going to get his remix" (But he was in a good mood about it, don't worry) and then he walked away to go tell Mark and speak to his adoring fans.

Heh. I think that was probably the LAST thing he was expecting to be asked by a girl who was in the front row taking pictures of him the entire time.

I had fun. :) I'll write more later. Todd is waiting for me to get off of his computer.
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