Jul 06, 2006 10:23
Well, sense has broke out. Cats and dogs? Sleeping together. I'm sure mass hysteria is next, in the words of the Mighty Prophets. Why the celestial ruckus? My brother is finally admitting that he needs help.
He's been a bastard for a long time. He broke is hand around 7 months ago and has thus far refused to get it fixed (clean shear, no less, so it can't be comfortable) due to him being "too good" for the public health system. Unfortunately, he has no job (never has), and thus, no money to go to private sources--but, you know, that's my mother's fault. So, anyhow, he crashed one car (totalled), spent days in a hospital unconscious, etc etc., and recently smashed the hell out of another one.
Anyway, he's a wreck. He submitted and went down to county for his Free™ medical coverage provided by the state and was given a ton of psych meds and whatnot for other weird things. BUT he's an idiot, and has been taking them in handfuls and other incredibly stupid shit. So, as a result, he's just fucked up; he's been on a rampage this week which culminated in getting one of his front teeth knocked out by a friend, whom headbutted him in response to a wild (random) sock to the eye (poor guy). Paramedics are called, and he is dragged away mostly unwillingly, complaining more about his lovely tooth being missing than, you know, his own stupidity.
So, he's at the hospital now and my mom explained his host of atrocious behaviors, actions, suicidal thoughts, homicidal expressions, missing time, disorientation, paranoia.. the whole nine yards, and they're going to run a psych test on him ('bout time!). Numbnuts admits (voluntarily, after a bout of "I don't need that shit"s) that he might need to go in to the 'ward on a more than today basis, thus negating the need for my mother to take off work (and consequently lose her job).
He's done something right!
So, he's going into a state psych ward for evaluation and addressing, which he has sorely needed for at least four years. My mother can sleep well tonight, knowing that he won't be doing something stupid like kicking the cats, knocking holes in the walls, or destroying property.
I think I'll visit him when they allow it. I hope he does get the help he needs. I don't hate him; I hate what he's become and all that he's destroyed in the past ten or so years. It'll be nice to see him without being in mortal fear.
Personally, I'm hedging bets that he's at least bipolar and probably schizophrenic as well. That'd go a long way to explain a lot. Now, if he can follow through....