Oct 19, 2004 02:20
So anyway, I'm bored, its 2:30 in the morning and I don't know why but I was reading all my old LJ posts and realizing how much of a fag I was, I mean I still am and all, I just don't write about it anymore lol, but anywayz besides the fact that I'm awesome, I was reading all the replies to them all and I am laughing my ass off at them because some of them are so funny like the ones from Stevo, Tyler, Chris, Jamie, I miss Chris, I see Jamie a good amount, a couple times a week atleast, but I barely see Chris, miss that kid, but anywayz, RED SOX GOTTA WIN THE NEXT TWO BABY! God I hope we win, I'm goin to Tylers house tommorow night to watch the game and get wasted, he doesn't know about it yet, but he's gonna when I show up at his door step with messy faced Hassell and a 30 rack in hand, boy this is gonna be awesome. I just got back from NY the other night, it was cool, it would have been cooler if it was decent weather so we could go to the city or if I wasn't sick as fuck, that'd be nice, but fuck it! I need money to fix my fuckin car but unfortunately my job blows and I can't make any money, muthakufa! alright so guys listen up, everyone needs to reply to this post, I don't care who you are, even if I know you, you just have to reply and tell me how bad you want my nude body in your bed next to you while caressing your soft white boobies, or black boobies, or even yellow boobies, lets hope not yellow boobies cuz boy do I hate chinese people ever since that Matsui came along, CHANK! lol I'm the man, god if I wasn't me, I'd really wanna be best friends with me cuz I'm friggen awesome, ok, I'll prolly update again in 2 years, but until then, start replying bitches so we can all fight and talk about fun past times, ya know, like remember that time I went to a pizza place and then to a 60 year olds mans house and made him fuck me in the ass in front of his kids(only cool people will know where that is from)...........................C YA!