x-ii; [pseudo] voicepost

Sep 04, 2006 17:57

[taptap, muffled rustling]

"It seems the City has seen fit for me to take leave of one of my senses today. I awoke from a lovely dream about descending to the Underground, and, upon seeing nothing but darkness with my eyes open, I wondered if I had not managed to walk in my sleep. After all, Kakyou used to do that occasionally; perhaps it carried over?"

[muted chuckling, rustling]

"How lucky, then, that I found a new roommate last night, isn't it, Katou-san? Coincidence welcoming me to this city, perhaps."

[Muffled] "Huh? What? Did you say something Kamui? What are you doing anyways?" [A little louder] "Huh. This is a mic? Looks nothing like my old one back home." [Tap] "Gimme that!" [Much louder, rockstar voice] "S'UP TOKYO?!" [laugh, quieter again] "So glad this curse ain't bothering me. I'd hate to not be able to see. When're ya gonna get off and make me breakfast?"

[pause, laughing]

"I'm sorry, Katou-san, I'm afraid my powers don't extend to being able to cook by touch, taste and smell... Perhaps we should eat out today, unless I can find some kind soul who would help me--"

[thump, static]

[OOC: Yay for accidental posting~ ♥ Fuuma's blind today. XD]
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