welcomes all those who are lost and/or looking for their mothers/fathers/guardians/pets/places/food/things. ^__^ We have cake and cookies and lots of friends (oh, and an apartment and a bunny, too), and we promise we can find you if you need help. Okay?
[OOC: ... XD; Still tiny and still determined to round up every chibi in the vicinity. So, BoLC members at last count included: Co-Presidents Fuuma (
antichristsmile) and Seishirou (
sakurazuka_san) and First Lady Kamui (
fateisabitch), Official Bunny-Hugger Katou (
katoustheshit), as well as Miroku (
hottesthoushi), Kantarou (
rubyred_sight), Katan (
angelic_nothing) and Hanatarou (
oh_noes_hana). If anyone's grown up since then, um, stay and help Subaru-niisan and Hokuto-neesan with their sanity? 8D;;; All chibis in distress please to comment here! ♥]