babyblooz, forever ago, I told you I was going to try this Wakame seaweed mask
here (very amusing blog, btw, full of great advice on anti-aging face products). Well, get this. I FINALLY DID. lol. Here's the scoop on the Wakame seaweed mask.
I mixed up the concoction using dried up Wakame seaweed (best way for it to work is to let it completely dehydrate out in the open - like say, for two years, haha) and then grind it up with a mortar and pestle. That wouldn't have worked when I first got the seaweed, it was too hydrated. However, DO NOT add too much water. I did.
I glopped the watery gunk on my face and it proceeded to run down my face and into my mouth, the resulting flavor being so repulsive (sea salt and honey, YUM) that even someone raised on
Dubbel Zout wanted to run from the room screaming. It also ran into my eyes, causing a burning sensation that I can only imagine I would only otherwise feel if I saw Mick Jagger naked.
That being said, I was able to keep it on for maybe two minutes. And I must say, I have very reddish skin and it really took the red right out, even though I didn't leave it on long enough. I was pretty impressed with the mask for my first attempt, despite the sensory assaults, but I plan on reducing how much water I put in. The remainder of the mixture has had a chance to evaporate and it looks like a really good consistency to use right now. It definitely shows promise. I've never had a mask take the red out of my skin, so that's an awesome thing.